Sitemap - 2022 - Wyclif's Dust

Thought bubble: Christmas links

New subscriber chat

Ordinary human life

Thought bubble: William McGonagall or ChatGPT?

Thought bubble: C.S. Lewis and Adorno on academia

"... and that will be England gone..."

Thought bubble: is China in the Danger Zone because it's peaking?

Utilitarianism corrupts liberal institutions

Resurrection of the centre

How (not) to approach controversial genetics research


Let biological metaphors back into social science

Thought bubble: let's uncancel people!

Self-Control Secrets of the Puritan Masters

A market is a neural network

The Rise and Fall of the British Nation: a review

History as mind furniture

Genes and ethnicity: can we?

We are entering a new age of collective action

Research into genes and ethnic differences: should we?

Wyclif's Dust: the missing chapter

I wrote a book

A review of Nate Hilger's The Parent Trap

On a fallacious argument about ethnicity and genetics

Our new working paper: trading social status for genetics in marriage markets

No wait stop it matters how you raise your kids

On effective altruism, utilitarianism and localness

A journal is just a Twitter feed

On Nazis who read genetics

Doubts about viewpoint diversity

Thought bubble: the normal, ordinary politics of Donald Trump

What did the printing press do in early modern Europe?

The internet makes it easier to cooperate, that’s the problem

The Traveller returns

We are still paying for the spin in Iraq

Albert Hirschman on liberalism and nationalism

The Dawn of Everything: a review


No, human life was not a misery until the 1950s

Some simple game theory of discursive conflict

The diversity of modern family forms is a myth

Public goods problems are everywhere in software